About this Project:
In Critical Practice Studio 2022, the studio culminated in a single, inhabitable, built exterior structure, built in one week. These ambitious circumstances are designed to pressurize the studio interests and keep focus. This course builds upon multi-disciplinary collaboration through a series of three projects leading to a final in-person Build Week at the LTU CoAD courtyard. This year we worked with Citizen Robotics to implement concrete 3D printing methods and how it can apply to new construction processes.
Team-based work is pursued in Critical Practice as a cooperative learning environment, reflective of the practice of architecture. Architecture is a team driven profession wherein the ability to learn how to work in a team environment is considered an essential tool for any professional. Reflecting this, students were accountable for the success of the group.
Communication technology and globalization have had an enormous impact on design practices. In offering an online platform to pursue an accredited masters degree and a course structured in the manner of Critical Practice, the College of Architecture and Design at LTU is foregrounding these new tools, allowing students to explore how they are changing existing business models. The Critical Practice Studio, in structure and content, compels students to test working collaborations that are not bound by geographic constraints - investigating new organizational models and potential for new forms of team dynamics.
For more information, please visit the official LTU Webpage for the project.